Friday, January 9, 2015

[xxzero] Faithful Tepig I-II The Planned Sequel

This is a bit of a surprise for C87. In what is a tell-all and work-in-progress, xxzero released a small booklet as sort of a mid-quel and explanation for what occurred. The rumor for years was that he was hit with a cease-and-desist from Nintendo (something that has happened in the past), but according to xxzero, it was due to his own supposed failings. This paper is less a story and more a commentary on the unfinished new art he made. Perhaps a real Faithful Tepig 2 / 1.5 will emerge in the future...

MEGA link

1 comment:

  1. Wow thanks for this. The first one was like my favorite pokemon doujin ever too. Hope he makes more like it...2nd one from him wasn't as good. XD
